Tom and his wife Dorothy live in Clarksboro, New Jersey. Tom is a retired systems engineer, a magician, a teacher and a former deacon in the Catholic Church.
As a software and systems engineer for over 40 years, Tom became involved in making the complex, less complex. This ability to simplify things led him to teaching visual modeling techniques across the country in various domains, including engineering, retail, banking and finance. Tom’s strength lies in his ability to bridge the gap between various levels of understanding using his simplified diagramming techniques.
As a professional magician for several years, Tom also used various magic tricks to emphasize his subject matter, leaving his students with more than just an understanding of course content.
As a deacon in the Catholic Church, Tom’s ability to simplify material carried over to scripture and religious education. Many enjoyed his sermons /homilies as he related biblical events to current events with his simplistic approach. Tom would tear a newspaper into many pieces and then restore it as he explained how our relationship with God can, likewise be restored.
Now, Tom has turned his attention to writing. His first book, The Deacon – An Unexpected Life, connected to his readers who, amidst their chaos and pain, their unpleasant and unexpected experiences, their loneliness, and grieving, found glimmers of hope, faith, love, and peace. His second book, Wisdom from the Wick, takes his readers to a neighborhood tavern to meet a person whose discussions on life and faith don’t seem appropriate in a neighborhood tavern, yet people come to hear him. In this new book, Magnolia – A View of Heaven, Tom takes the reader on a journey to heaven starting in his small hometown of Magnolia.